
來源:國(guó)防部網(wǎng) 責(zé)任編輯:王粲 2024-03-28 16:26:10


Ministry of National Defense: Preparations for the China-US Military Maritime Consultative Agreement Meeting are Well Underway



Question: The spokesperson said this January that the Chinese and US militaries were in communication and coordination on the Military Maritime Consultative Agreement (MMCA) meeting. How is it going so far? What other activities will the two militaries hold this year?


Wu Qian: To implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state in San Francisco, this year, the Chinese and US militaries have made concerted efforts to steadily resume dialogues and consultations on the basis of equality and respect. The 17th China-US Defense Policy Coordination Talks was held in Washington D.C. from January 8th to 9th, during which the two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on the development of military-to-military relations and on questions of mutual concern including those related to Taiwan, the South China Sea, and maritime and air security. From January 5th to 19th, the Chinese side assisted the US side in visiting Guangxi and Hunan to conduct site surveys in search of the remains of missing US military personnel in China during WWII. The preparations for the China-US Military Maritime Consultative Agreement meeting are well underway. We will release relevant information in due course. The two sides are also in coordination on communication and exchanges in other areas.


This year marks the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the US. We hope the US side will earnestly respect China’s core interests and work with the Chinese side towards the same direction to deliver on the important consensus between the two heads of state, so as to jointly promote the sound, stable and sustainable development of military-to-military relations.


